Why Not Me?

Recently, another one of my friends just got engaged. Heh! It seems that everywhere I turn, that's all I see. People growing up. People maturing; settling down and getting on with their lives. All the while, I'm shopping for wedding gifts and home products and I cannot help to wonder, "why not me?" When am I going to get my act together and start doing that. Why not me?
I'll tell you why. I still have some serious growing up to do, is why. I always joke around that the reason I don't have kids is because I'm still raising myself. However, that isn't too far from the truth. The reality of it is that I don't take anything serious enough. Sometimes...sometimes I just don't care about things. I know I'm not getting any younger. I know it's not gonna get any easier. I'm well on my way to becoming a bum. And sometimes, I wonder if that's such a bad thing. Some of the bums I've met are generally cheerful people. Then again, maybe I've just been lucky to meet the few that are.
Needless to say, I know the answer to my question. I've always known it. I guess the real question is: Am I happy with that answer?

Sorry. Needed to rant.


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