Laws of the House of M

A long time ago, I started to write a list of things Personal beliefs, quotes and sayings. Things I agreed with; the list was a collection of mantras that I believed in and could eventually be seen as a peek into my ethos of core values. Oddly enough, this list was inspired by an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation where a character by the name of Ensign Lefler, played marvelously by Ashley Judd, came up with a list of laws of essential lessons she learned in life. I always thought that brilliant and than began wondering, given my penchant for melodrama and madness, what my list would look like. Things I've learned, quotes I've agreed with. And so, I came up with this simple list. It's a list I intend to add to but why should I have all the fun. If you feel like you have something to add, leave it in the comments box for consideration. That being said, I give you the Laws of the House of M.

  • 1) The superior of them all is the servant of them all.
  • 2) When life doesn't turn out as expected, it's going exactly according to plan.
  • 3) Everyone has an evil within them and they cannot rest until it is found.
  • 4) It's always good to have an excuse ready even if one isn't needed.
  • 5) Hold fast to your temper. Should it ever get the best of you, it may very well give your worst to someone you care for.
  • 6) One's universe extends from the deepest recesses of the soul to the furthest edge of one's fingertips. Anything outside of that universe is out of one's sphere of control and should not be worried about.
  • 7) One should always take every available opportunity to bend the universe to their will.
  • 8) A lazy man will work twice as hard as a hard-working man in an attempt to avoid work altogether.
  • 9) One should always be wary of asking someone for an honest opinion for the may get the truth instead.
  • 10) Sometimes good advice is better given by listening than by speaking.
  • 11) If you wouldn't wish for someone else's death then you shouldn't wish for their life either.
  • 12) Honest people make the best liars.
  • 13) If you can't be used, you're useless.
  • 14) Beware of people who have "found Jesus." Anyone who loses sight of omnipotence in the first place is not to be trusted.
  • 15) Thinking is a dangerous pastime.
  • 16) Sometimes the toughest part of the day is getting up in the morning to meet it.
  • 17) If you have a doubt about anything, then there is no doubt that you should double check it.
  • 18) Anything in life that seems too good to be true, usually is.
  • 19) Don't cross the people that handle your food.
  • 20) Pain is weakness leaving the body.
  • 21) Procrastination is the manifestation of one's overconfidence that they have all the time necessary to accomplish their goals.
  • 22) Hunting should only be considered a sport if the animals return fire.
  • 23) Never go shot for shot with an Irishman!
  • 24) Do not be offended of being called a dog or a bitch for they are loyal and noble creatures.
  • 25) Being a gentleman is basically the measure of a man's etiquette and morals divided by his level of decadence plus his ability to conceal it.
  • 26) Even an illiterate man can order food off a pictured menu.
  • 27) Whomever claims to be practicing celibacy isn't trying hard enough.
  • 28) It's only cheating if you get caught.
  • 29) When someone is 99% sure they will win a wager, they're usually 100% wrong.
  • 30) If you are certain someone is about to hit you, it's good strategy to hit them back first!
  • 31) If one is born with sin and must spend the rest of their lives atoning for, repenting and avoiding sin altogether, then it would behoove them to experience as many different sins as possible before getting on the road to redemption, forgiveness and salvation as they may not get another opportunity to do so again.
  • 32) Never think when you are hungry.
  • 33) Before one starts bitching, moaning, griping and complaining to someone, remember that everyone has problems.
  • 34) Before any plan is put into action, a contingency plan must be perfected.
  • 35) There are two sides to every story: My side and the side no one is ever going to hear.
  • 36) Commit all of your lies to memory as you will be constantly quizzed on them.
  • 37) There's no point to setting rules for oneself if one doesn't intend to break them from time to time.
  • 38) The best highs in life come not from drugs but from concussions.
  • 39) A comeback can only be considered one if one wins.
  • 40) If your dog is fat, YOU need exercise!
  • 41) If you are accused of being a racist and you deny that claim by citing the amount of friends you have of different ethnicity, you're a racist!
  • 42) Honor thy wingman and the sacrifice he/she makes by picking up his/her bar tab.
  • 43) Nobody laughs at a crazy sounding plan when it works.
  • 44) Nothing ever got to a hundred miles an hour without going through twenty.
  • 45) The movie isn't over until the monster is dead and when the monster is dead, the movie is over.
  • 46) Whenever one reads a sign warning against doing something that is obviously idiotic, note that the reason the sign was made was because someone has already done the idiotic thing depicted in the warning sign.
  • 47) Just because you see the sun shine through your window doesn't mean it will be a warm day.
  • 48) Judge slowly.(7/20/15)
  • 49) Whenever you make eye contact with anyone…SMILE! (8/10/15)


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