Rest In Peace, my Maggie.
I have been writing this blog for a couple of days now. Every time I started it though, I'd cry uncontrollably. I still do at times. I've been coping with a loss. A piece of my heart is no longer with me. My Maggie was 10 years old and for the better part of a decade, I had never once known a love and devotion of the caliber that my Maggie bestowed upon me.
I have known, lived amongst and buried many a friend and family member in my 36 years of life but never did I feel more appreciated for existing than when I was in the presence of my beautifully rotund Wrinklyface. She had this aura about her. She could convert even the staunchest anti-pitbull protester into loving her. She was pure sunshine wrapped in blonde fur. 

It's a week to the day now, in fact and it still hasn't sunk in yet. I still expect to see her all the time or hear her snore when she slept or breathe heavily upon my face when she wanted to go for a walk and I pretended to be asleep. She was no fool though. My little blondy knew when I was faking and would just slobber my face with her spatula-like tongue! LOL!
This is the first time in my life that I've lost something I helped raised. Though she never spoke to me, she was a great friend and confidant. She always knew when I was down and refused to leave my side until my mood changed. As my cousin Steve coined the phrase: "She was 100lbs. of love." Even if you met her once, and weren't a fan of dogs, she would leave an indelible mark on your heart.
I don't know what I'm gonna do without you but I know that, if you were here, my face would be drenched in dog drool. LMAO! I miss you so much! I will never forget you, my baby girl; my little bacon thief. Rest in peace. I'm sure you're in Heaven now but if they don't let you in, don't worry. You just wait for me at that shiny gate until I come along and we'll go someplace else because Heaven wouldn't be Heaven without you in it.
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