Ruthless Mantra

Over a month ago, I began a journey on a path I have already been on. However, when I first undertook this journey, I was a much younger man full of hope, wonderment, awe and raw passion and purpose. A far cry from the jaded individual that roams these New Jersey streets on any given midnight. Nevertheless, I am back on this familiar road to a sound mind and fit body. Moreover, I am once again on a path to a better tomorrow. For the longest of times, I thought that path was lost to me. While I love my family and friends very much, I had given up on any kind of hope for a brighter future for myself. To be selfless, I believed, was to not have any hopes and dreams of my own but rather to help those hopes and dreams of others be realized. How foolish I was.

I see now that I have only been hiding beneath a mask of mediocrity. Far too long, it has been the equivalent of a safety blanket for me. It had become a silent creed for myself without me having ever uttered it aloud. "One cannot fail if one doesn't try." However, that IS failure. Giving up (and that's exactly what I had done!) is the ultimate failure. I had long since given up on dreaming of a brighter future but no more!

My goal to lose weight had hit a wall as most fitness goals do. No matter how much work I put in the UFC gym I frequent, I was being hindered by my greatest adversary: Proper nutrition. Enter my highly motivated and beloved friend Jamie who introduced me to a tremendous program and dietary supplement product that I, at first, wrote off like any other great weight loss scam as seen on TV. (read: 7 Minute Abs) But it was more than a product. It's was more than the shakes and the vitamins. It was a dietary regimen designed to teach the body not to store fat in the first place. Furthermore, it's also a legitimate marketing company that is committed to helping people lose weight. On top of that, the support group is unbelievable! There are quite literally thousands of people going on similar journeys and they all motivate one another to succeed. Normally I don't buy into stuff like this but, having used the products and losing 25lbs and going down two pant sizes inside of a month, it's safe to say that I am a BELIEVER! So much so, in fact, that I've decided, after a recent company seminar I had the privilege of going to, to take it to the next level and be a coach. I want to help others achieve the success I've just begun to sample. I'm not only losing weight but I'm getting stronger again; my self-confidence is through the roof much like my energy level. I can't keep this great feeling to myself.

It is very safe to say that my mantra has changed. It is a ruthless mantra full of hard work and sacrifice but also one full of promise. I need only stay dedicated and disciplined throughout this journey. I need to stay motivated when that mantra demands that certain muscles need to suffer or that I must push myself beyond the limits I have set for myself. I must remember that , no matter how much pain I endure, that this is the path I have chosen for myself and one that I want to be on. I am once again on the path that I had long thought lost to me. I will succeed because I say so and my words are law! I will yell my mantra as loud as I can to the heavens even if I'm the only audience for said words:

"I will reach my goals and achieve my dreams or I will die trying!"


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