Cooler Than You.

     I seldom bitch about the cold as it does no good. One will still be cold but if they complain, they'll be cold and bitter. Still, since I'm ass deep in my first, and hopefully only, cold of the season, I'll throw in some gripes in between coughs and sneezes. It all started with a leaky pipe. Working a double shift last week afforded me the dubious responsibility of keeping a leaky pipe in check. Repair work couldn't be done until the following morning and the water couldn't be shut off because any remaining water in the pipe could possibly freeze and damage the pipe.

Doesn't look like much, does it? Small little pipe. Small little leak. All I had to do was keep an eye on it every hour or so. Naturally, my luck runs out faster than toilet paper on a taco night. That little leak turned into a big one in an instant. I had to contain it fast and I did. Had a water vacuum at the ready but it got full fast so I had to dump it a couple of times and that's what got me drenched. I would've been fine being that wet in this weather had I stayed indoors. As soon as I clocked out of work, I helped a tenant shovel her car out of her space. We shoveled it. She just waited for her car to be freed from it's snowy prison. Note to self: Shoveling a car whilst a little damp is not the best thing for one's health. I didn't do it for free though. I got $20 for the job. So there was a trade off but I'm regretting the hell out of it now. I would've charged more if I knew I was going to get sick. For the record though, I'm "walk around sick" and at work. Not immobilized. I'm more than tempted to burn a sick day but I'm actually trying to save those for a good party. Literally! This may or may not be very wise on my part but I'm trying to work more not less. I need the money. It's gotten to the point where my paycheck is gone before I even see it. I need to hustle more. 


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