I am nocturnal. There’s no questioning that anymore. I often wondered that my internal clock is off because I belonged on the other side of the world. That’s not it though. I love the night. My body and spirit does too. I feel so much more alive in the darkness.
“Darkness” has to be used loosely given we live so close to the City. I’ve always been more productive and proactive at night. I would say it’s a shame that there aren’t more people to share my time with. People I care about. However, that too is the appeal of dead of night. It weeds out all the “in the way” people. The timid and fearful seldom come out to play at this ungodly hour and even tourists will eventually run back to their havens and abandon the nightspots to me and my ilk. Sadly, that number is dwindling. Old age and responsibilities have depleted many who would come out with me after sunset on a Wednesday night.
Maybe I just need to go back to a day schedule and I’m just talking out my ass but still…
There’s a part of me that knows there are night owls out there and not all of them are bad. And even if they are…
This hermit life is getting to me. Feels like I’m talking nonsense to myself.
I think I need another drink.
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