I WANT IT! (Cleanse Day 3)

It has become my war cry. My lion's roar; it is something I scream out at the height of fatigue during a workout to will myself to do one more rep. One more push up. One more lift. One more lap. One more round. Moreover, today was one of those days where I lost track how many times I said it.

I signed up for a personal training session. It was one of the best things I could have done and I highly recommend everyone does it at least once or twice a month if they can afford it. My coach, "G", immediately pointed out a lot of discrepancies with form and posture during my workouts. Discrepancies that inadvertently caused me avoidable pain had I been doing the exercises correctly. Live and learn, right?

That's the type of stuff you sometimes fail to realize when working out solo. It's good to have a team behind you to help you out and encourage you. I'm fortunate to have multiple team members both in the gym and out of it.

Nutritional cleansing isn't just about buying shakes and products and using them hoping to lose weight. It's an entire army of people, likeminded, who have decided to take back control of their lives by working out and maintaining a proper diet to optimize their health and well-being. That's the team I'm part of and, the more I see the benefits of that, the more I find myself saying that same war cry: I WANT IT!

It isn't easy. The road to a healthier you isn't going to be easy and that difficulty raises exponentially given the amount of damage you've inflicted on your body due to poor diet, lack of exercise and plain old lethargy. However, just making the decision to start living better puts you on the path. After that, it's just one foot in front of the other. And every time you begin to falter, scream out my war cry and see if that doesn't get you a few extra reps, rounds or miles.

After I was done with my workout, I drank my second shake and got started on my real work out: Taking my 2 year old niece to the park. Luckily for me, those shakes and supplements I take pack enough energy to fuel you through the day. Otherwise, I don't think I would've made it to dinner. 

My life is tough even without dieting and exercise so I'm glad to have found both a gym with professional trainers that I can prosper in and a nutritional system that not only works but is simple enough for me to follow while showing results and a nutritional coaching team that won't let me quit. My tomorrows are finally starting to look less and less daunting.

Current Weight: 248.6
Current Body Fat: 35.3%
Current Waist Size: 40.5


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